borgata online casino

Two health-workers conferring in lobby

Events of the past several years have given the healthcare industry in the United States a strong incentive to reconfigure itself, as cost-cutting pressures and structural disruptions are intruding from every direction. While healthcare providers have attempted to experiment with value-based care delivery models in the past, the tools, the data, and the know-how were not sufficiently advanced
at the time so as to make such experiments successful. Now, things are different ― vastly different.

​Treehouse Technology Group works with healthcare companies on their technology strategy, custom software development and systems integration. TTG provides both product and strategy consulting, in addition to technical implementation and project execution. We believe in an independent approach to technology solutions, and work closely with teams to define, deliver and execute their technology strategy.

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  • Technology Strategy & Solutions
  • Systems Integration & Managed Services
  • Healthcare Development Platform
  • ERP & CRM Implementation/Optimization
  • Customer Service Automated Solutions
  • Blockchain Solutions for Healthcare and Insurance

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